March 2024: Levitate Product Updates

Spring is here and new Levitate features are blooming! 🌸 Check out our latest enhancements and additions below.

  • New Compliance Workflow 
    • Accounts with compliance settings enabled are now able to send a campaign PDF directly to compliance via email from Levitate. Enter the email to the workflow, and it'll stick for each send…this will be a big time saver! The PDF will be sent directly to the compliance officer (and the user setting up the send) and when the officer sends back an email with 'approval language' the campaign will automatically move from pending to scheduled. (Note: This won't automatically submit compliance emails for customers using a portal for compliance.)
  • Archive Responses for Surveys
    • Now, the ability to archive a response for a customer satisfaction survey is live! Access this feature through Tags & Reports > Survey Reports > choose a satisfaction survey, and each response will have its own row. You'll see three dots for each response. Hover over those three dots and you'll see 'Delete.' 
  • Schedule a Meeting Five Years Out
    • Previously, when choosing to allow scheduling 'Indefinitely into the future' you could look out six months. Now you can schedule out five years!
  • Enlarge Images on Social Media Drafts
    • To further support our image-forward social media content, we've added the ability to enlarge images attached on the social media post! Previously, images were size limited and could be harder for some customers to see before scheduling or posting. 
  • Texting with Canadian Numbers
    • We've enabled the ability to send and receive text messages, through Levitate, with Canadian numbers! 
  • Click Through to Contact Profile
    • Now, if you're on an account's Admin page, you can click a user's name to get to their contact profile.
  • Texting Campaigns & Text Registrations
    • Texting campaigns are now available to all existing customers with access to texting automations! All new Levitate users will be prompted to register with The Campaign Registry if you plan to send out mass (more than one-to-one) text messages. Read more about our updated registration process here.

Questions about the features above? Reach out to your Success Manager or our lovely support team!

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